Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two favorites

It's interesting to see the rotation of favorite toys. 
While there are many popular toys in the toy box that get played with, every once and awhile one or two gain popularity.
These two particulars make me smile. 
Right now, anytime Makenah goes to her "corner of toys" she immediately locates these two items. 
Are they related? No.
Can you play with them together? You wouldn't think so.

It's the sphygmomanometer (aka blood pressure cuff) and the book "Is Your Mama a Llama?"

She'll dig these out and carry them around. She flips through the book and puts the cuff around her neck like she does with her pretend stethoscope. She also likes when you put it around her arm and even her foot. So entertaining. 
I took these last week, after she had dug out both of them.
(Not too many pictures being taken this week. Poor baby isn't in picture mood.)  
Hope everyone is having a good week!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Here are some more shots from our weekend.
We had a little smaller and quieter Easter than we had planned on. Poor Bryan and Makenah were not (and are not) feeling good, but we still enjoyed celebrating the day together.
Here is Makenah's Easter basket.
We weren't able to get a family picture, but you can bet we got lots of Makenah exploring her basket. 
The eggs were so popular. Fun to take in and out of the basket and open and close each one. 
We had a special Easter dinner together, and spent the day relaxing as a family. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fire, Hats, and Eggs

We kept busy this weekend.

Friday was beautiful outside, and Bryan had the afternoon off.  In the morning he was taking a continuing medical education course, ACLS. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support.         Think: "Code Blue, Code Blue!" It was nice to have him home with us after that. 
We pulled the wagon around, he worked on his dirt bike, in the afternoon I got my hair chopped off (like 9 inches or something like that), and in the evening we made s'mores! It was like a s'mores date. After Makenah went to bed, Bryan made a fire in the side box of the smoker and we sat outside by the fire, eating and talking. It was wonderful. 
~ ~ ~ ~
Look what came in the mail for Makenah on Saturday!
Oh, pink bunnies!
She's all set for some bike ridin'. So cute. 
~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday afternoon we colored eggs! We haven't done this for a long time! I always enjoyed this so much growing up. We had a great time. Makenah watched and enjoyed a snack. :)
Hmm, how did my cookie get in the picture? 
(That chocolate cookie in the corner is from a recipe in the First MB cookbook, and they are wonderful!!)
We made a variety of eggs. Polka dots, stripes, marbled, initials, and then we also decided to draw a picture of something we were "in to" right now. 
Here is Bryan's:
His Honda 450X
Here is mine:
Mowing the lawn. 
To top off a good day, the three of us went to On the Border Saturday night. Yum!
~ ~ ~ ~ 
I've got some Easter pictures to share. Our day turned out a little different than we planned, but we just rolled with it. 2 out of the 3 of us aren't feeling good (Daddy and daughter), but we enjoyed being together to celebrate the gift of a Risen Savior!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Back 4 years and a Tile Party!

So, we know how much I like to use pictures to think back to past events. I especially like seeing what I was doing on specific days or anniversaries of events. I got the bug today, and so I took myself back through pictures from this time last year, in 2009, 2008, and 2007.

On this day last year, this sweet girl was 7 weeks old.
And in 2009 we were in Harrisonburg, Virginia at Eastern Mennonite University watching my brother Aaron graduate. 
In 2008, we were hanging at home, with Bryan's family here for a visit. Casey is enjoying some guy time.
And, in 2007 we were having a tile party! 
In April 2007 we still lived in Kansas City. Bryan was finishing up his 2nd year of medical school, and I was wrapping up the school year at Westridge Middle School. Our house was being built here in Wichita, and was scheduled to be ready for us to move into at the end of May. Most everything was done for us by the builder, but one way we got to have a hand in the process was by tiling the house ourselves. It was this time 4 years ago that we were here with lots of help from the family, tiling the house. Tile Party!

Tiling our bathroom!
Steve dominating the kitchen!
Taco break!
Brothers workin' together...
Shame on us for giving Debbie the dirty clean up job! :) Such a sweet person should not have to stand in dirty water. :)
The back side shot. 
Our house was done a month later. We worked hard on this project. Lucky for us we have some experts in the family. We are so thankful we had this help. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Back in the wagon

We are loving this little red wagon. Not only is it fun for us to pull Makenah around in, but she LOVES it! She smiles and giggles when you set her in it, and doesn't stop grinning the whole time. 
And, I cannot resist taking pictures of this cutie in the wagon. I mean, come on! A little girl in a red wagon. Oh, my heart! 

When we got home from dinner with my parents tonight, we headed straight for the wagon and took advantage of another beautiful evening.