Our little dancer had her first dance recital this past Saturday, and it was the cutest thing. She has had class on Wednesday mornings, and was in a sweet little dance fundamentals class for 3-5 year olds. Logan plays and watches so nice, and we watch her dance with her friends in the studio. They have been working on their little routine for several months, and to see them work to learn it was precious. It just brought a smile the mom's faces who would watch every week. It wasn't uncommon for someone to just drift off in a daydream, bust out in their own moves, or just stand with a smile. I loved watching them learn their routine.
It was a short little routine, and they had learned it the best they could. I am proud of her for being part of a group, making friends, and having fun in ballet. She is just the cutest little thing.
They had a dress rehearsal, and luckily, I got to take some photos from the side of the stage, since I was busy helping during the recital.
Heading to dress rehearsal
Striking a pose
Backstage, in between group pictures and practicing.
Getting their picture taken
Recital time
What a blessing it is to have so much support and love surrounding Makenah as she starts getting involved in activities. She had 6 grandparents involved in her special day! Six! We are so thankful!
Makenah and Grandma
After the recital, with her flowers.
So proud of her.
With Mimi and Papa, and Grandad and Granna
With Grandpa.
He graciously offered to stay back with Logan, so that Bryan could be able to focus on a little more of the show. We love you Grandpa, thank you! :)
Everything went pretty smooth, for our first recital. I signed up to sit with the class during the performance, and help them get to the stage at the right time, and get to and from seats, etc. I was glad to get to do this, since I knew Makenah would still need me close. I enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of a recital.
We got to our spots in good time. It's pretty loud down in the waiting area by the stage, and dark and little hectic, and before they were supposed to go on, she got a little nervous and teary, but I got her pumped up and luckily, was able to stand right next to the curtain and wave. :)
I'm not sure how much of their routine got performed, but they were CUTE up there! I was so proud of her for being brave and being part of her group!
That's a wrap for the first recital. She already remembered today that she is done performing in this costume and she can play in it anytime now.
She wore it all afternoon. :)