Thursday, April 23, 2015

Around here

Hi to all!
I've really neglected the blog, and even though I think about it often, when evening time hits and the kids are in bed, I'm usually exhausted myself. I have big plans to go back and continue to archive the holidays and trips and big events that have more pictures with them, but I thought in the in-between time I could throw up some pictures of daily life from my phone. 
Starting way back in January...
So many great things at Hobby Lobby
 Trip to Woodland Park, CO.
Jeeping in the snow, with a picnic too!
 Posing in CO. 
How old is she? And, does this pose just naturally appear in little girls?  
 Denver Museum of Nature and Science
 Bump! 19 weeks
 Waiting to open their presents, and ready to find out if they are having a baby brother or sister. 
 Lunch with friends in Wichita!
 Kansas style jeeping. 
 So cute on the scooters. 
 Bump again! 22 weeks
 Happy Valentine's Day!
 Melt me.
 First time bowling!
 Bringing the snow inside.
 Guitar over his lunch break.
 Makenah Grace turned 5! 
 Science experiment. 
Everyday I hear, and I quote, "Can we do something that scientists would do?"
 Her birthday party had a much anticipated piƱata! 
 Back in the dirt. 
 More bump. :) 26 weeks
 Zoo time!
 They were singing him happy birthday, haha!
 Playing soccer at Logan's party.
 Logan Kent turned 3! 
Park time.
 After church.
 Waiting for Sesame Street Live to start!
 28 weeks. 
 Giving him a check-up. 
 Cousin Ashley's baby shower.
 Easter party at school.
 Heading to gymnastics.
 Dying eggs. 
 Hunting eggs.
 At the outdoor kids section of the library.
 Swinging her bro.
 He still naps in the afternoon, but if something comes up and he doesn't get to, he's still good to go. But if he doesn't, every once in awhile as evening approaches, you could find this. 
 After his preschool enrollment.
 I took the laundry out and set it down and went back to put in another load. When I came back she had sat down and started folding tiny baby clothes without being asked. So sweet. 
 Serious cooking. 
 Playing with her slime. 
 After bath. So cute!!
 Playing in the backyard, and checking out the worms. 
 32 weeks with baby girl. 
That takes us to today. :) 

Monday, April 6, 2015


We had a blessed Easter this year. The kids had a wonderful time dying eggs. They always have so much fun with that!
After church and a delicious Easter Lunch, we found baskets and hunted eggs in Mimi and Papa's backyard.
Makenah matched the Easter dessert Granna made. 
To top off a wonderful day, we had Easter supper with Grandma and Grandpa too! How lucky we are to spend so much time with the ones we love!