Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pumpkin patch with friends

Yesterday, Makenah and I met some friends from the residency at Walter's Pumpkin Patch. The girls said it was worth the drive (it's north of El Dorado), and that we should all meet there. We had a great time! There is so much to do there, you could spend hours! We walked around and played for a long time, and then rode the tractor ride out to the patch to pick out our own pumpkin. I would recommend Walter's to anyone! They were so nice out there!
She was really interested in the pumpkins, and wanted to always touch them. 
Such a big girl, wanting to walk around and explore herself.
You can see the cat better if you crouch down. HaHa! We watched this kitty for a long time, it made her laugh and got big smiles. 
Collecting the fruit that was falling from the trees. 
Of course, she wanted to hold as many as she could. What would we expect?
"Did I touch this one yet?"
A-mazing. She's in a swing! There were lots of swings and benches all over, and she walked over to this one all by herself, pushed it a little, and then all of a sudden wanted in it. I was shocked. When I saw it I knew there was no way I was going to try and put her in it...but she decided herself. She loved it. 
On the huge bouncer with our friends Meghan and Lily.
Riding the tractor out to the patch. 
We picked ours out, and they helped us cut it off. I love the look of wonder and excitement. I am pretty sure she was saying, "Whoa!" 
Loading up to go back. We were on the tractor with some friends and other little kids. Makenah wanted to sit on the bench beside me, like a big girl, and not on my lap. I just smiled as we rode. Big stuff. I wanted a picture, but there was no way I was letting go of that little one. 
The verdict: Worth the drive. Head out to Walter's. I think if we go to another pumpkin patch to take Bryan, we'll go to one closer to us, but if you are looking for something fun to do, head out there! 

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