Logan is 2 months old!
As the days fly by, we're just continually thankful for what a sweetheart our little Logan is.
We had his 2 month appointment recently, and he weighs 13 pounds. Growing so fast, and getting heavy to carry in the baby carrier already! Such a cute head of hair, and a little button nose that looks just like his big sister!
Logan is such a good baby! A generally happy and content little boy, with smiles flowing so freely. I love a big gummy grin.
Logan has quite the appetite! One time you will hear him fuss is when its time to eat! During the day he likes to eat every 1.5-2 hours. At night, he usually has a first stretch of sleep between 5-7 hours (I should go to bed earlier so I cash in on more of this sleep time!!) and then after he gets up to eat, he'll sleep another shorter stretch. His day starts quite a bit earlier than Makenah's, but he crashes for a nap shortly after she gets up.
He's getting pretty predictable when it comes to naps too. He takes a longer morning and afternoon nap, with another evening nap that usually happens while we are out pushing the kids in the chariot in the evening.
He's starting to make lots of sweet baby noises now, too. Cute ooohs and ahhhs. We are noticing lots more interaction. He looks right at our faces now and responds to the things we say with "talk" and smiles.
He's loving putting his hands in his mouth. You can often hear him sucking on them while he's playing on the floor or riding in his carrier. I kind of wonder if he'll find that thumb sometime. He doesn't care for his pacifier very much...he'll take it every once and awhile for a bit, but he's not fond of it.
Makenah is very sweet with Logan and likes to be right with me when I change a diaper or feed him. She does realize that he sometimes take the attention away from her and will suggest that I put Logan down, ha! But, most of time she's showing him things, picking out his clothes, turning on his toys for him, or asking to hold him.
Unlike his sister, who slept completely swaddled tight for many months, he doesn't like to be wrapped up tight to sleep at night. We use a receiving blanket to kind of semi-swaddle his lower half for warmth, but he likes his arms out and free. By the time he wakes up, the blanket is usually unwrapped and he seems fine with that.
2 months old already! Watching Logan grow is so special, and we are thankful for a happy, healthy boy. I am loving having a son, and Logan makes my heart so happy.
We love you sweet baby.
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