Today our baby boy turned two years old!
Where did the time go?!
It literally feels like yesterday that I was holding his tiny, squishy, little newborn self, all swaddled and ready to go home and meet his big sissy.
I could really go on and on about how completely awesome Logan is…I think any parent could do that about their kids. The way he has turned into a little boy, the things he says, the way he makes us laugh ALL the time. He's got such a sweet heart and tender disposition, and at the same time is all boy. He's tough, and fast and loud. We love it!
A few things to remember about Logan right now:
~He LOVES his big sister. If she suggests it, he's all for it! If she has one, he wants one too. If she goes, he goes.
~He loves to read books..some favorites right now are Ten Little Fish, Noah and the Ark, Farm Friends, What makes a Rainbow, B is for Bear.
~Snacks are important! :) He's a muncher.
~His favorite little show or songs are Veggie Tales. We had a Veggie Tales themed party for him today. :) He can sing along very cutely to some of the songs.
~He loves to play outside and ride bikes and play on the swing set.
~He doesn't eat a ton at meals, but will usually try most things. Some favorite snacks or food right now are yogurt, cheese, grapes, apple slices, fruit snacks, cereal, pancakes, things dipped in ketchup, crackers, bananas. He used to not be too much of a fan of milk, but now he drinks a lot of it!!
~He's a great napper and nighttime sleeper--usually naps 3 hours in the afternoon. He likes to rocks a little before sleeping(oh how I love to snuggle him!), but falls asleep on his own when we lay him down.
~He loves Daddy---anywhere he's going or anything he's doing, he asks if he can come.
~Favorite toys: Blocks, cars, books, Whittle World, ball popper, noise makers, stuffed animals, trains, push toys.
~He LOVES to color! On paper, in color books…with crayons, markers, colored pencils…doesn't matter. We do it multiple times a day.
~He's got the softest blond hair, that grows so fast!! And loooong cute eyelashes like his daddy. He gives us some awfully melt-worthy looks.
~He has the sweetest little manners already and a big vocabulary! I mean, if I sneeze of cough he says, "Bless you mama." Total sweetie.
~He's about a 2T in clothes…they are just a hair big. Not too much chub on him…he's a pretty muscular little guy. :)
~He loves bath time! I think he could play in the water all evening!
~His grandparents and aunts and uncles are super special to him!
Happy Birthday sweet boy.
God made you SO special and just perfect for our family!
We love you!
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