Monday, September 12, 2011

18 months

Makenah is 18 months old!
I don't even know where to start when describing Makenah at this age. The sweetness, oh the sweetness. Not a day goes by where we don't just shake our heads in pure delight over what a doll we have.
 Makenah is quick to smile, fun to giggle with, and a soft hearted little mama herself. She takes special care of her doll and showers her with kisses and lots of rocking. I really need to get this snuggling on video, because it is accompanied with such a sweet "song."
She's super busy, and prefers to play with us, not by herself. :-) She likes to open things and explore, empty and fill things, and sit in things. She has awesome fine motor skills, can do small tasks with good precision, like stack a big tower of blocks all by herself. Some of her favorite toys right now are her car, wagon, dolls and stuffed animals, balls, blocks and BOOKS! I can't keep the books on the shelf anymore because she is constantly emptying it and bringing them to us. 
We've got a little chatterbox on our hands too, and I love it! Makenah loves to talk and is saying so many words that I am having a hard time keeping track. She likes to babble in her own language, but we are surprised everyday that we hear more and more words in there. We're expecting phrases and short sentences any day! She is especially good with names of people and pets, food, descriptors, and manner words. Her little voice saying "please"(peas) and "thank you" (tane too) melts my heart. She'll also show you all the parts of her body! She can follow instructions, understands the things we ask her or tell her, and loves to help us with easy tasks.
She's just a little thing, and I'm anxious to see how much she weighs at her next doctor's appointment. She's on the move, and seems to be perfecting her run. We've still got an awesome sleeper, and she takes a long afternoon nap. She can feed herself pretty well with a fork or spoon, but is pretty picky about what she likes. :-) A girl has her favorites, right? 
We are so thankful for Makenah, and what a happy big girl she is. I can't believe she is 18 months old! 

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