Friday, December 20, 2013

Preschool Christmas Program

A few cute pictures of Makenah's preschool Christmas celebration. The three and four year olds performed together. 
It was a sweet little event. Kind of a combo program/fun family time.
The kids sang us a song, we all listened to a story together then there was craft time and punch and cookies. 
Makenah was adorable, but we wouldn't have seen it any other way, ha! 
She sang so sweetly and smiled and waved when she saw us. Logan preferred not to sit still or quiet, so Bryan was awesome at chasing him around and maintaing order. (Logan liked cookie and punch time much better…)
This goes in the books as our very first program/performance for one of our kids. 

Front row, red bow
Craft time...
(Logan: Is this over yet…?)
Cookies make everything better.
Can't believe she'll be 4 years old soon!
 A few bonus pictures.
Bryan and I ready to head out to his office Christmas party. 
We had a great time, and owe a huge thank you to my parents for holding down the fort all night while we partied! 
 The kids before church on Sunday. Makenah sang during the service, and there I was beaming again…this time in the front row. I've got some phone shots of that. I didn't take my big camera because I didn't want to look out of place in the service, snapping and clicking away. But, when I saw moms high tail it towards the front with their big set ups, I now know, when kid cuteness is involved, go for it!! 
Have a great weekend!

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