Friday, February 25, 2011


When we came inside the other day, after playing with the walker outside, Daddy pushed Makenah around on the scooter part. 
She loved it!

And, because I continue to reminisce about the past year, Makenah's approaching birthday, and what I was doing a year ago at this time, I keep finding myself remembering through pictures. 
Here was a year ago today, February 25, 2010.
We were having a late celebration for my friend Jacey's birthday with my sweet friends (and roomates) from college. Here I am with Jacey and Danae. They were 2 months behind in their pregnancies. Kira, behind the camera, was keeping us in line. :)
There is lots of birthday planning and preparation scheduled for this weekend. :)
I also get to attend a bridal shower/party for Kira, who is getting married in a few weeks!
These things, along with snuggling Makenah who has another cold, should fill it up. 
Have a great weekend!

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